The best booking system for In-person and online classes,
No contracts. No exit fees
Ongoing support
Zero fees for free events / offline bookings
$40 per month
Robust booking system integrated with powerful marketing features.
No booking fee for your first $1,000 in online transactions each month, with our standard booking fee of 5.5% + $0.50 per online transaction applied thereafter.
Unlimited listings (courses/events) and tickets with your monthly subscription.
Reduce Operational Costs - Automate your admin processes from start to finish
Gain new clients. Access a wider audience by listing in the WeTeachMe marketplace.
Additional 10% marketing fee for each booking. No marketing fee for Not for Profits.
Delight your customers and staff by streamlining your booking and enrolment processes using the WeTeachMe booking solution for your channels
Increase revenue, easily recover abandoned carts with built-in tools
Deep Understanding of your customers with custom enrolment forms
Start teaching today and explore the full range of features and tools
You and the customer will be automatically notified via email upon completion of a booking.
The customer will then receive a reminder before the class and a thank-you email after the class, with the option to leave a review. We look after the enrolment, payment, and communication process, so you can concentrate on the teaching.
What is the fee if use the WeTeachMe booking solution for my website or social channels?
Embed or link WeTeachMe to your website or social channels to accept online bookings. Just your standard booking fee for online payments of 5.5% + $0.50 applies.
How long does it take to set up?
You can sign up at at the top of this page, create your first listing and start selling tickets within mintutes.
Can I use WeTeachMe to run online classes?
You sure can, our vendors use our system to manage and run both in person classes and Online classes using our seamless Zoom Video integration.
Who is WeTeachMe a fit for?
Our booking software is designed for brands that offer classes and workshops, providing specialised functions that they require. We can cater for any size - from small studios and businesses to sports centres and colleges that run classes on a per-term basis, among others.
What is the WeTeachMe Marketplace?
Access your audience and increase market reach, a payment-on-success-only initiative that includes listing on
and promotion via WeTeachMe newsletters, social media channels, advertising partnerships, and more for an additional 10% only.
What are the main advantages of using WeTeachMe?
WeTeachMe helps you get more bookings while the software is an experience that simplifies your business life, as well as of your customers. With WeTeachMe, you can
save time,
reduce costs,
grow revenue
by automating your entire booking and management processes, all the while keeping your business open to your customers 24/7 - making booking a breeze.
How do I receive my funds?
Funds will be made available 7 days after the payment has been completed.
All available funds will be automatically withdrawn and transferred to your designated bank account every Friday at 4:30pm AEST.